ASIAN Journal of International Peace & Security (AJIPS) <p class="aboutus-text"><strong>ASIAN Journal of International Peace and Security (AJIPS)</strong> is an <strong>HEC recognized (Y category) </strong>quarterly [since 2021, previously biannual (2020 and annual 2017-2019)] double-blind peer-review research journal of the <strong>Foundation for Advancement of Independent Research and Learning for International Peace and Security (FAIRLIPS).</strong> The foundation aims to promote independent research and learning, both indispensable for securing international peace and security.</p> <p class="aboutus-text">The journal endeavors to advance the mission, principles, aims, and objectives of the foundation. It believes in the principles of strict adherence to objectivity, impartiality, and neutrality as well as access to truth and its transmission. Its main aim is to supplement the foundation’s objectives particularly: to create, promote and disseminate knowledge, and; to provide researchers from all over the world especially from the developing states such as Pakistan and other regional countries a forum to help publish their research on fast track basis.</p> Foundation for Advancement of Independent Research & Learning for International Peace & Security (FAIRLIPS) en-US ASIAN Journal of International Peace & Security (AJIPS) 2707-8809 Dynamics of Transformation in Turkey’s Foreign Policy <p>Turkey is an economically and strategically significant country that is located in Eurasia<br>and Western Asia. It has a unique synthesis of Western and Islamic culture and<br>civilization. It focused on relations with the West and the European Union since 1924.<br>However, under the government of Erdogan, its foreign policy is being shifted to the<br>Muslim world and to purse a balanced approach to growing multilateralism. The paper<br>is focused to exploring the growing changes in political, economic, social and diplomatic<br>aspects of Turkish foreign policy. Turkey’s growing energy demands, expanding<br>economic linkages and changing patterns in relations with regional and global<br>countries and institutions are some prominent factors that depict a new form and<br>picture of Turkey. This paper aims to discuss the underlying causes of political,<br>economic, social and diplomatic change in Turkey as well as the country’s policies on<br>various fronts. The ongoing transformation in Turkey and its impacts on regional and<br>global levels have been analyzed. The descriptive-analytical method has been used to<br>describe the policies and events and to analyze these with arguments.</p> Asia Khatoon Sajida Faraz Manzoor Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 ASIAN Journal of International Peace & Security (AJIPS) 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 8 1 1 18 Role of Regional Powers in Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict <p>The mountainous region Caucasus is one of the most diverse areas in the world that can<br>be described as the hub of ethnic conflicts. One conflict is Nagorno-Karabakh, a<br>longstanding dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan over a mountainous and<br>landlocked disputed territory. The region is predominantly ethnically Armenian,<br>escalating the ongoing tensions and violence between the two countries, with caustic<br>effects on the area. The involvement of regional stakeholders such as Türkiye, Iran and<br>Russia plays a significant role in either intensifying or mitigating the conflict. This<br>article provides an analysis of their influence, examining both constructive and<br>destructive impacts. This research relies on qualitative data to offer an in-depth<br>analysis, characterizing its nature as exploratory. The significant findings of this paper<br>show that the influential roles of Iran, Türkiye and Russia is contributing both<br>destructively and constructively to the conflict dynamics. Ultimately, the study<br>concludes that these regional stakeholders, driven by political, financial and national<br>interests, influence the conflict’s trajectory, impacting it in varying degrees of<br>constructive and destructive aspects ways.</p> Khudija Saleem Syed Qandil Abbas Copyright (c) 2024 ASIAN Journal of International Peace & Security (AJIPS) 2024-04-10 2024-04-10 8 1 19 33 Religion as a Determinant of Female Voting Behaviour in District Karak: A Case Study of The 2018 General Election <p>This study investigates the role of ‘religion’ as a determinant influencing female voting<br>behaviour and analyses its impact on the 2018 General Elections in District Karak. To<br>understand voting behaviour, the researcher has connected this determinant with<br>voting behaviour theory, namely, the theory of religion. As regards the application of<br>the theory, it is argued that the theory is applicable (63.65%) in the electoral politics of<br>District Karak. This study is based on published and unpublished data. This article<br>answers the question i.e., is religion the determinant of female voting behaviour in the<br>2018 General Election in NA-34 District Karak? Moreover, what are the impacts of<br>female voting behaviour on the 2018 General Elections in NA-34 District Karak?<br>Primary and secondary data have been collected for this research work. A quantitative<br>research approach has been applied. The population was the registered female voters<br>of District Karak. Through the Yamoni formula, data is collected from 400 respondents.<br>A stratified sampling technique is used to collect data from registered female voters.<br>There are three Tehsil: Banda Daud Shah, Takht-e-Nasrati and Karak. Therefore, the<br>study used a proportional allocation method of sampling, i.e. n1=N1/Ni x ni, to select<br>the respondents according to the sample size from each tehsil. Data has been arranged<br>in Tables, which are further analyzed.</p> Rifat Nazir Ashfaq U. Rehman Muneeb U. Rehman Copyright (c) 2024 ASIAN Journal of International Peace & Security (AJIPS) 2024-04-10 2024-04-10 8 1 34 42